Writing For Wellness

A writing Womb

a commitment to

self-exploration and

self-discovery through the power of writing

Set an intention that allows your writing to:

  • Reconnect with your inner child and surrender the “original wound”

  • Explore your Internal Working Models of attachment & intimacy (understanding your earliest and most important relationships that shaped you, your way of being, and your way of knowing self)

  • Discover and affirm your birthright

  • Define, seed and map your path for liberation (internal and external)


Use this time to work on your long-term writing project (memoir, non-fiction or fiction, visual story, graphic novel, etc.).

Levels of engagement

  • Self-Paced

    On your own time, with your own structures, follow the monthly writing prompts. Purchase Journals for prompts!

  • In Womb

    Commune with the collective on site at respite locations.

Regardless of your “physical” location.

We will prioritize being in formation and communing in spirit.

To preserve intimacy, a limited number of slots will be available for In-Womb participation.


  • In-Womb participation is a curated writing womb that will journey to locations of respite to promote and nurture joy.

  • All participants will be encouraged to unplug and disconnect from external stimuli.

Retaining the spirit of The Black Womxn’s Writing Hour, Writing for Wellness will engage in silent, meditation writing for 2-3 days period during the curated womb. The majority of the retreat will be with self - giving you the space to write beyond the surface, into your shadows, and re-emerging back into your light. There will be points of connection and fellowship to be in communion with our words, thoughts, questions.

The journey of rest, NURTURE, AND COMMUNION

Annual Writing Womb

November 1 -4, 2024

Georgetown, South Carolina

Lodging: The George Hotel

Communion Womb: The Rice Museum

Applications Open Summer 2024!


EMAIL: Blkwmxnwrite@gmail.com